Saturday, November 30, 2019

mesencephalon Review Essay Example

mesencephalon Review Paper Essay on mesencephalon When beginning to read this book, I made a face at the very first sentence well, do not be without a mate ?! But I decided to train but to continue. Its amazing, but I soon got a quote pad and start scribbling I do not know how to characterize this book Perhaps it is close to the epic. ..chto something like binge-long half-lives. And at the same time the history of some LJ and guide for the novice alcoholic like, what to drink and what not Antistatic it is possible, if skillfully (there described like), and the window cleaner not recommended, not the fact that you will get on ethanol rather than methyl We will write a custom essay sample on mesencephalon Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on mesencephalon Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on mesencephalon Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer and a lot of philosophy. Yes Yes! And with a very, very specific it is a philosophy of man um drinking. I hate drunk. Hate their smell, I hate their faces, their hate speech and action. Therefore, I do not understand them. And then chic chance to penetrate into their brains without discomfort (almost the mat is still too much ) and find out whats going on in their heads. And to know their inner world in the development with the moment when the tender age of parents poured a glass of coffee liqueur then backyard gatherings with boys then a student hostel and so on until the binge that we are experiencing together the hero. Careful preparation, starting with storing vodka and snacks, intimate conversation with the boss, who warned that going to the my vacation, ending with movies and music, upload to a computer. Then begins the bout. And drank away all you can drink, including a computer and staralnuyu car, and even a landline phone for which give the bottle and drink is all t hat you can (and can not) drink and from the pharmacy and of manufactured goods terrible, just terrible I do not know why. Maybe its because I do not know about this aspect of life. Maybe its because Foreman says it is very naturalistic. Maybe its because you see these drop down to the last drunks that brezguesh who fear and despise humans. That hurt. Which is terrible. Which can still something to think about. At first. A strong book. And it is not for children. For the psyche of children should be protected. Quoting Brigadier They are very good students. And so away from sin. For prevention is not read.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chinese History - Emperor Kang essays

Chinese History - Emperor Kang essays Emperor Kang-hsi ruled China from 1661 to 1722 and his reign is captured by Jonathan D. Spences book Emperor of China. The different chapters of the book deal with certain aspects of the Emperors life. Aspects that the history books to normally deal with. The information in Spences book is based on Emperor Kang-hsis correspondence, his own writings. This writing maybe biased towards himself, but no other piece of information could provide insight into his mind. The book is divided into six parts; In motion, Ruling, Thinking, Growing Old, Sons, Valedictory. The book follows Emperor Kang-hsis life as Emperor in chronological order. In the first part, "In Motion," the main emphasis was on Emperor Kang-hsi travels though his kingdom. He wrote a letter to Ku Wen-hsing stating that he had traveled 1000s of miles in each direction. He had traveled to the provinces of Shansi and Shensi in the west, to the provinces of Manchuria and Ula in the east, north across the Gobi to the Kerulean River and south to the Yangtze River. On his travels, Emperor Kang-hsi, liked to collect and compare different plats, animals, birds that he came across. He loved to hunt with bows and guns during his travels. Emperor Kang-hsi hunting practices were not just meant for joy and exercise, it was also an exercise in military preparedness. He took thousands of his troops on many of his trips to train them in shooting, camp life, and The second part of the book emphasis on the historiographically part of the emperors rule. The authors' facts were based on the thousands of imperial documents that came from the emperor. The author was able to piece together the kind to government that existed. The central bureaucracy of emperor Kang-hsis China was composed of a metropolitan division and a provincia ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Overview of Infinitives in Spanish

Overview of Infinitives in Spanish As the most basic of verb forms, the Spanish infinitive is widely used, even more so than its English counterpart. Since it has some characteristics of both verbs and nouns, its usage can be quite flexible. Following are the most common uses of the infinitive, along with sample sentences and links to lessons. As the Subject of a Sentence When it functions as the subject of a sentence, the infinitive functions much as it does when used as the subject in an English sentence, although it is often translated using the English gerund. Thus the sentence Nadar es difà ­cil could be translated as either To swim is difficult (English infinitive) or Swimming is difficult (English gerund). Infinitives used as nouns are masculine. Usually, when the subject infinitive is used to refer to general situations, no definite article (in this case el) is needed (although some speakers optionally include it). But when referring to specific instances, the article is often used. Thus, el isnt used in the above sample sentence, but it is here: El nadar a travà ©s del rà ­o era un movimiento fatal. (Swimming across the river was a fatal move.) (El) fumar es una de las peores cosas que los nià ±os pueden hacer con sus cuerpos. Smoking is one of the worst things that children can do with their bodies.(El) votar es una obligacià ³n y un derecho. Voting is an obligation and a right. ¿De dà ³nde procede este comprender? Where does this understanding come from? As the Object of a Preposition The use of infinitives after prepositions is another example of them functioning as nouns. Although the rule isnt consistently applied, the use of the definite article is usually optional. Spanish infinitives coming after prepositions are almost always translated using the English gerund. El error est en pensar que el inglà ©s tiene las mismas estructuras que el espaà ±ol. The mistake is in thinking that English has the same structures as Spanish.El hombre fue expulsado de restaurante por comer demasiado. The man was kicked out of the restaurant for eating too much.Nacimos para estar juntos. We were born to be together. In Forming the Periphrastic Future   An infinitive can follow a present-tense form of ir a to form a very common type of future tense. Voy a cambiar el mundo. Im going to change the world. As a Substitute for the Subjunctive Mood   The most common sentence structure calling for use of the subjunctive mood is one in the form of subject main verb que subject subjunctive verb. However, if the two subjects in the sentence are the same, it is normal to drop the que and replace the second verb with an infinitive. This can be seen in a simple example: In Pablo quiere que Marà ­a salga (Pablo wants Mary to leave), the two subjects are different and the subjunctive is used. But if the subjects are the same, the infinitive is used: Pablo quiere salir. (Pablo wants to leave.) Note that the English infinitive is used in both translations; youd make a mistake to imitate English in that regard. Esperamos obtener mejores resultados. We hope to get better results. (With different subjects, the subjunctive would have been used: Esperan que obtengamos mejores resultados. They hope we get better results.)Yo preferirà ­a hablar con la pared. I would prefer to talk with the wall.Javier niega querer salir del Barcelona. Javier denies wanting to leave Barcelona. The infinitive may also substitute for the subjunctive following impersonal statements: No es necesario comprar un computador caro para realizar tareas sencillas. It isnt necessary to buy an expensive computer in order to accomplish simple tasks.No es probable ganar la loterà ­a. It isnt likely to win the lottery. Although generally the subjunctive is used following que when the main subject and the subordinate subject are different, an exception can occur with various verbs of influence such as dejar (to let), mandar (to mandate) and prohibir (to prohibit). In such sentences, the person performing the action is represented by an indirect-object pronoun. Desertà © porque me ordenaron matar a civiles. I deserted because they ordered me to kill civilians.Dà ©janos vivir en paz. Let us live in peace.Mis padres me prohibieron tener novio. My parents prohibited me from having a boyfriend.Le hicieron andar con los ojos vendados. They made him walk blindfolded. One way of analyzing the above sentences is to view the infinitive as the object of the main verb and the indirect object as representing the person affected by the main verbs action. To Follow Certain Verbs   Numerous verbs, too many to list here, are routinely followed by an infinitive. Structurally, the infinitive functions as an object of the verb, even though we may not think of it that way. Among these verbs are poder, which is usually thought of as an auxiliary verb. No puedo creer que su nombre no est en este reporte. I cant believe his name isnt in this report.Los cientà ­ficos lograron crear cà ©lulas del cerebro humano. The scientists succeeded in creating human brain cells.Los dos fingieron estar enfermos para ingresar al rea de emergencia del hospital. The two pretended to be sick in order to enter the hospital emergency room.Debemos cuidar el planeta Tierra. We ought to care for the planet Earth.Mi amiga no sabe estar sola. My friend doesnt know how to be alone. The verb phrases tener que and haber que are also followed by the infinitive. With Verbs of Perception In a sentence construction thats difficult to analyze, the infinitive can be used to indicate that someone was a witness (such as by hearing or seeing) to a completed action. Vimos volar un florero por la ventana. We saw a vase fly through the window.Nunca te vi estudiar. I never saw you study.Te oyeron cantar el himno. They heard you sing the hymn.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gulf case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gulf - Case Study Example The manufacturing process remains a single manufacturing process as it was before introduction of the general furniture for producing both furniture types. The quality of furniture depends on the expertise and skills of individual workers and type of wood used. More focus and priority is on the customized furniture because of their large share of sales despite the increase in sales of the general-purpose furniture. The business grapples with controlling large inventory of general-purpose furniture. Generally, the sales volumes are large but the financials do not indicates tangible profitability. Seemingly, the expansion into the production of the general-purpose furniture by Gulf Creative Ideas was not a sound strategy. The company seems to have not put in place a continuous strategy for reducing the inventory investment while at the same time increasing the performance of the production of its two classes of furniture. What could be the most possible reason for the low levels of profitability against sales in the case of this company is that, by expanding their inventory, costs rise from additional needs. According to Altendorfer (2013), in similar cases the rising costs may always be because of requirements for more storage space, increased costs of labor for the additional units in their procurement and sourcing. Another issue facing Gulf Creative Ideas could be the reluctance of the management to remove the slow moving general-purpose furniture from their product portfolio and this eats up its earnings in the additional costs that increase at faster rates than revenues into the company hence low profitability. The single manufacturing process and additional product line without a strategic sequence for production of the two product lines has led to increased sales volumes within the company but ignored the most important factor, of controlling the inventory, leaving profitability unchecked because of high costs. For this

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Self-Defence and the War on Terror Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Self-Defence and the War on Terror - Essay Example Self-defence seems to be the viable option for many states in the use of force. Some states have even managed to justify their actions under self-defence principles, even if their actions did not exactly fulfil the minimum requirements of Article 51. Since self-defence is an exception to Article 2(4), the policy of the courts in interpreting self-defence has mostly been on the adoption of restrictive considerations (Sahmoudi, 2010). An attempt to expand the coverage of self-defence has been considered under anticipatory self-defence, an attack which is carried out before any initial attack by an aggressor state has been launched. However, widespread acceptance of this new concept has been largely. When the collapse of the USSR caused the world to accept the regime of the US as the one remaining superpower, the possibilities for more general claims on the right to use force has been seen. Most of these possibilities have centred on self-defence and the right to defend against an antic ipated attack. ... One of the main issues in this debate has revolved around whether or not a person has to strictly interpret the legal basis of the Charter or whether or not there can be a more lenient or flexible application of the rules in relation to the current changes in the global community (Bring and Fisher, 2004). The settlement of this debate has been based on a positivist approach to international law. This positivist approach points out that international law are standards which must be interpreted as set rules for similar scenarios, and therefore must be respected by all states. Another approach is the realistic approach which mandates international laws as a way of fulfilling goals and securing some values on the other (Sahmoudi, 2010). The positivist approach is supported by those who believe in the need to control expansion and the use of force and selfish interests (Crossley, 2008). The realistic approach theorists base their perceptions on concepts of human dignity; they justify the use of force as a means of confronting an evil power (Crossley, 2008). In the current context, this paper shall now consider the application of self-defence in the face of the present war against terrorism. Its legality and its appropriate applications shall be evaluated in this paper. Decisions of the International Court of Justice, as well as opinions rendered by legal scholars the court shall also be discussed. Body After the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US, the UN Security Council immediately passed a resolution which basically condemned the attack. The Security Council also reiterated its goal of opposing all threats on national and international security initiated by terrorist organizations (Berdal, 2003). It also acknowledged the right of states to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Individualized Intervention Essay Example for Free

Individualized Intervention Essay The book lays its emphases on the 12-year old Community Treatment Project (CTP) based in California. It focuses on corrections for both international and national community based programs. It uses strategies and techniques that have been field-tested and developed to work with serious problems regarding staff/youth matching and youth groups. It points out the major issues concerning adolescence and its many challenges. Brent, R. â€Å"Working with Challenging Youth: Lessons Learned Along the Way. † Routledge Mental Health 205 (2000). Youth who are challenging have become a big problem in recent time, as many professionals would acclaim, and not one that is going away any soon. Despite this, research has failed to come up with the effective methods to deal with this kind of problem. This book provides a practical approach to working with this youth. It provides counselors with strategies and considerations, on its 47 lessons on the six philosophical principles to be used by the at-risk youth counselors. Robert, C. D. â€Å"Counseling Troubled Youth†. Westminster John Knox Press 144 (1997). The author teaches pastoral caregivers practical and theoretical wisdom to enable them guide the youth to gain or find their lost self respect through the use of case studies. Charles, E. M. â€Å"Counseling with Young People. † Association Press (1954); 144 This book provides councilors with facts that they can use to effectively guide young people in their day to day activities. It also presents them with the best strategies to help in their interpersonal relationship. It portrays the councilor as a leader who should lead the children to a better life. It also touches on personal development and self concept. Kenneth, U. G. , Herman, J. P. â€Å"Counseling with Youth: in Search for Identity:† Merrill (1973); 128 This book helps counselors with techniques to help young people to get identity in adolescence. It majors mostly on adolescent psychology and pattern of reaction

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jeffersonian Republicans Vs. Federalists Essay -- essays research pape

As the young colonies of America broke away from their mother country and began to grow and develop into an effective democratic nation, many changes occurred. As the democracy began to grow, two main political parties developed, the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each party had different views on how the government should be run. The Jeffersonian Republicans believed in strong state governments, a weak central government, and a strict construction of the Constitution. The Federalists opted for a powerful central government with weaker state governments, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Throughout the years, the political parties have grown, developed, and even dispersed into totally new factions. Many of the inconsistencies and changes can be noted throughout the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Thomas Jefferson entered office in 1800, he came in with lots of new ideas and goals as the president. Jefferson believed in a smaller central government with stronger state governments. He was a Republican and favored the view of strict construction. He believed that, â€Å"Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Document A). Jefferson and his Republican party believed in a government that was going to work for the people and that was going to have them at its best interests. That is why they believed in having stronger state governments, they were closer to home and to the people they were governing, therefore they knew more of what the public needed. Document B also refers to strict construction and Jefferson’s beliefs. It talks about the freedoms that were stated in the constitution, mainly, the freedom of religion. Jefferson believes that the federal government should not have any say in dea ling with religion of the people. The Republicans believed that any law stated in the Constitution should be strictly followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Jefferson’s presidency wore on, the Jeffersonian Republican beliefs began drifting farther away from the original ideals they began with. Some of the decisions made by Jefferson proved to follow the loose construction of the Constitution of the Federalists. When he made the decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory, he never obtained congressional approval. He... ...ter the country as a whole. John Randolph, a Democratic Republican of the time even suggested that the Jeffersonian Republicans were taking on the old Federalism principles during Madison’s term. Document F explains how, â€Å"this government created and gave power to Congress to regulate commerce†¦not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue†¦Ã¢â‚¬    Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the country grows and matures into a great nation, people realize that change is inevitable and sometimes even needed. Within the time period of 1802 to 1817, many Jeffersonian Republicans realized that their ideals and principles weren’t always best for the nation. That is why they adopted some of the ideals of the old Federalist Party. Also, during this time, the Federalists died out. As realized after the Hartford Convention, the nation did not need nor want the Federalists anymore if the Democratic Republicans could get the job done. Although people changed a great deal during this time, it seemed to be beneficial to the nation. If people had not grown and never continued to learn and aspire to what is needed, then we may have never gotten to this great nation that the United States of America is today. Jeffersonian Republicans Vs. Federalists Essay -- essays research pape As the young colonies of America broke away from their mother country and began to grow and develop into an effective democratic nation, many changes occurred. As the democracy began to grow, two main political parties developed, the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each party had different views on how the government should be run. The Jeffersonian Republicans believed in strong state governments, a weak central government, and a strict construction of the Constitution. The Federalists opted for a powerful central government with weaker state governments, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Throughout the years, the political parties have grown, developed, and even dispersed into totally new factions. Many of the inconsistencies and changes can be noted throughout the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Thomas Jefferson entered office in 1800, he came in with lots of new ideas and goals as the president. Jefferson believed in a smaller central government with stronger state governments. He was a Republican and favored the view of strict construction. He believed that, â€Å"Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Document A). Jefferson and his Republican party believed in a government that was going to work for the people and that was going to have them at its best interests. That is why they believed in having stronger state governments, they were closer to home and to the people they were governing, therefore they knew more of what the public needed. Document B also refers to strict construction and Jefferson’s beliefs. It talks about the freedoms that were stated in the constitution, mainly, the freedom of religion. Jefferson believes that the federal government should not have any say in dea ling with religion of the people. The Republicans believed that any law stated in the Constitution should be strictly followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Jefferson’s presidency wore on, the Jeffersonian Republican beliefs began drifting farther away from the original ideals they began with. Some of the decisions made by Jefferson proved to follow the loose construction of the Constitution of the Federalists. When he made the decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory, he never obtained congressional approval. He... ...ter the country as a whole. John Randolph, a Democratic Republican of the time even suggested that the Jeffersonian Republicans were taking on the old Federalism principles during Madison’s term. Document F explains how, â€Å"this government created and gave power to Congress to regulate commerce†¦not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue†¦Ã¢â‚¬    Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the country grows and matures into a great nation, people realize that change is inevitable and sometimes even needed. Within the time period of 1802 to 1817, many Jeffersonian Republicans realized that their ideals and principles weren’t always best for the nation. That is why they adopted some of the ideals of the old Federalist Party. Also, during this time, the Federalists died out. As realized after the Hartford Convention, the nation did not need nor want the Federalists anymore if the Democratic Republicans could get the job done. Although people changed a great deal during this time, it seemed to be beneficial to the nation. If people had not grown and never continued to learn and aspire to what is needed, then we may have never gotten to this great nation that the United States of America is today.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Challenges of Mobile Commerce Essay

Currently, there are a number of mobile commerce applications that can be used by consumers with suitable handsets. For example, now customers in some countries like Japan and UK shop via their mobile handsets exactly similar to shopping in malls. The applications include mobile banking (financial services), advertising, product location and shopping, auction and reverse auction, and entertainment, to name a few (Varshney and Vetter, 2001). Table 1 shows summary of mobile e-commerce that is now available in market. The table also explains the relevant questions for each mobile commerce applications. Among twelve issues in mobile commerce, this paper only considers three of them; they are security issues of mobile commerce, development of complex application in limited speed of mobile processor, and human-handhelds interface through the development of attractive graphical user interface in mobile devices (Tarasewich, Nickerson, and Warkentin, Merrill, 2002). Amidst the increasing number of consumers that shop online via mobile devices, there is a potential threat that could prevent the fast adoption of mobile commerce; the threat is security. It is known that electronic commerce including e-commerce is potential to malware that contains viruses, adwares, or hijackers that collect our credit card information and sending it into a remote host for further criminal actions. In order to eliminate this threat, mobile application developers provide high-level threat into personal and corporation confidential information such as password and personal identification number (PIN). Since computer technology has gone mobile, the applications and computer program also follow. Therefore, it is also common to find many applications that tailored to work on mobile devices such as wireless e-mail and Microsoft Office for mobile handsets. However, mobile devices have some drawbacks such as limited bandwidth allocation that restricts the use of several mobile applications such as video conferencing over the phone, high-speed internet, bus on demand and may others. In addition, mobile handhelds are also limited in processor speeds in which highest processor speed for typical PDAs is about 400 MHz while desktop computers have achieved more than 2 GHz. The question is what type of interface that between the messaging services. Fortunately, to simplify and enable customers to use mobile devices, currently, there is new module called a hyperbolic tree that allows users to view and present their information on an easy-to-use, interactive, multi-dimensional tree, with additional visual navigation features. By definition, hyperbolic trees are dynamic visualizations, just like tree map, fisheye view, cone trees, cam trees, and perspective wall that based on interactive manipulation of the structure of the information (Ovaska, 2004). The interesting part in the development of visualization in mobile handhelds is that fact that such devices such as smart phone and PDA have small screen than desktop computer. This fact underlies the way information presented in the devices. Mobile commerce is the next step of online commerce. Therefore, the opportunity for mobile commerce lies on the number of mobile service penetration rates. According to ITU (2005), UK records 62% of mobile penetration rates. This considerably high penetration rate has put mobile subscribers in the U. K. to surpass those in fixed phone lines and imply that mobile commerce will be easily adoptable by U. K. consumers. Table 2 shows U. S. internet penetration rate compared to other countries in the world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Network Consultant Scenarios Essay

Complete Case Projects 3-1, 3-2, & 3-3 of Guide to Networking Essentials. After determining if a client-based or client/server model will be used, substantively justify your choice in 200 to 300 words. Case Project 3-1 The changes in equipment that are required to bring this company’s network up to date to solve the shared bandwidth problem is replacing the hubs with fast ethernet switches and a router. You could make subnets for each department of the company, creating different collision domains which would eliminate dropped packets. The throughput would be increased based upon the upgraded switch/router. Also Setup a file server to store the large files. I would the issue of this problem by using a mesh topology and run over 300Ft of Cat 5 cable to a single point. You could also run the cable through metal conduits along walls or on the floor or you could always implement a wireless system to solve the ceiling issue. Case Project 3-2 The topology that should be used in this network is an extended star topology because it is a bit more advanced than the regular star topology. Instead of connecting all devices to a central unit, sub-central devices are added in. This allows more functionality for organization. The Extended Star Topology is all but necessary to prevent degraded signals and it is also better for bigger networks. Also the network would be server based because connection will be coming from one central point for all computers allowing for information to be shared between users. There will be as many computers needed for each user of the company, had 250 computers and five servers so I would probably stick with the 250 computers. The easiest device to reconfigure in an extended star topology would be computers because they would be the last to be connected in the topology. The device that offers the best access to the network medium’s bandwidth would be the hubs connected to the central poi nt because it will be the middle man between the  computer and central point device. Case Project 3-3 This network will be server based because since employees need to access company information and it can be confidential the security level on using a server based network will help control the access of files. There would need to be at least 45 computers connected to the network for the 25 users in the front of the factory and 20 for the workstations on each factory floor. The topology to be used in this case would be physical star topology because all connections will come from one central point, since there are many areas of the factory that will need connection having a central point for connection makes more sense.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Essay Example

How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Essay Example How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Paper How is tension created and sustained in The Monkeys Paw Paper Essay Topic: Literature The Monkeys Paw is a short, horror story written by WW Jacobs. It was written and set in the 19th century in a time where there was almost an obsession with the gothic, Victoria genre. Jacobs uses a range of techniques which create and add tension of the audience. The setting, structure, genre, characters, language and atmosphere all contribute to the ascending build up of tension throughout the story. The setting of the story is typical of the time in which it was set. There are many clues given by the author, which help us to distinguish the time period in which the play was set. Items such as the china candlestick and the fire would not be used commonly today because of the introduction of electrical heaters etc. Furthermore, when Mr white says: A rat. It passed me on the stairs, we find it difficult to comprehend this. This is because we would find a rat scuttling around in our houses today extremely peculiar and probably unbelievable whereas Mr and Mrs White do not seem to make much of a fuss about it because it may have been normal in that time. The rat may have been common then, in a time where plague and diseases were very active. This all contributes towards the spooky/horror theme of the story which creates a feeling amongst the audience that they expect something to happen. The setting/atmosphere created in the story is very carefully thought out by the author. It starts with the father and son playing chess together, indicating that they have a close relationship and the family is close-knit. The family are in the warmth of their cosy home, at least the author gives this impression to us anyway, the fire burned brightly. Father and son were at chess. This image given to us by the author is very ironic because they may seem safe at the moment but later on we come to find out that they are far from it and are in fact extremely insecure. The weather is described to us as being, cold and wet, which has depressing, gloomy connotations which is therefore in complete contrast to the atmosphere inside. This signals a change in the plot, and the with the cold, wet weather, the author is almost hinting to use that something negative is going to happen in the story. Therefore, the reader is encouraged to read on because of the tension that has been created. However, the weather outside also reflects the mood of Mr. White who is upset after losing the chess match, so therefore it is pathetic fallacy, which in turn creates an eerie mood. Another significant factor in the setting of the story is Sergeant-Major Morriss introduction of India. Since India is a foreign country, the audience may not be so familiar with it. Therefore, they would not be too sure what to expect of the monkeys paw in terms of its powers and therefore mystery is created. This leads to the curiosity of the reader, creating tension as the reader gets eager and wants to know what will happen. The family live in a villa, away from everything, which gives us the impression they are isolated; Mr White says, Thats the worst of living so far out .. Only two houses in the road are let. This tells us that they live in a very secluded area, away from a town or city. By situating the family in this area, the author is hinting to us that something bad is going to happen because the thought of them with nobody else to help them if something goes wrong makes them seem vulnerable to us. Furthermore, Mr White saying to us that only two houses in the road are let enhances the idea that they are isolated because that means only two of the other houses are occupied. Sergeant-Major Morris is an extremely mysterious character. We seem to imagine him as a gigantic, mean, imposing, muscular man when hearing of his arrival because of the heavy footsteps, which he makes as described so by the author. His arrival is somewhat sprung on use and we do not get to know much about him until he starts conversing with the Mr White and family about the paw. Therefore he is almost like an unknown character to us. Once Mr White mentions the Monkeys Paw, he seems eager to change the subject: Nothing said the soldier hastily. This tells us that he was not keen to disclose information about the Monkeys Paw and was clearly hiding some details at the beginning. Once he realises the others are interested in the paw, he tries to play down its powers: its just an ordinary little paw dried to a little mummy. The reason for him acting this way is not clear to us at first but later on we get to know that the reason for this is because he has bad experiences with it. We know this because of his reaction when being asked is he had used his three wishes, his blotchy face whitened. This indicates that he has had some bad encounters with the paw because ones face usually whitens when feeling sick, shocked or frightened. However, he does warn the Whites about its powers, it has caused enough mischief already, although he prevents himself from revealing the full details of these events for some reason. It is also ironic that he says to the Whites, dont blame me for what happens, and but I warn you of the consequences, because although there are plenty of strong warnings, the Whites seem disinterested but in the end they pay for this i. e. Herberts death. On the whole, Sergeant-major is a mysterious character of whom we know little of. He seems to be hiding something about his experiences with the Paw. His character creates an eagerness in the audience resulting in tension. Another character who contributes to the tension created in the story is Mrs White. From what she says (her speech), we get to know that she is quite suspicious: He dont look to have taken much harm, is what she says when responding to something the sergeant said. This tells us she is not scared to point something out, and is prepared for an argument if she does not agree with somebody. It also tells us that she may know something about the sergeant that we do not. Similarly, she is very curious about the monkeys paw and is surprised upon hearing of its powers, Sounds like Arabian nights, she says. Here, she is mocking the sergeant major, making a mockery of a highly respected figure. It also tells us that she is a very curious person. This suspicious, curious attitude of hers adds to the tension. However, Mrs Whites attitude to the paw very much changes towards the end of the story. After learning about the death of her son, Herbert, she wants to bring him back by using the powers of the paw. This is in high contrast to her attitude at the beginning when she thought it was just a toy. She urges her husband to wish for Herbert back using the paw: Wish she cried in a strong voice. This tells us of her eagerness to bring Herbert back, indicating she loves her son very much. During the climax, the language devices and style used by the author are all very interesting, and were all created in order to create a rush of tension at the end. The sentences used at this point in the story are shorter ones in comparison to the more complex and compound sentences used beforehand. Sentences such as, His wife sat up in bed listening, Let go and I must open the door are use by the author in order to increase the pace of the story and to create anxiety amongst the audience. The sentences are short in order to delay the point of climax, so that the audience find the ending of a better quality. There are also short bursts of action at this point in the story to get the reader excited about what will happen, and frantically breathed his third and last wish. This is probably the part of the play where the tension is at its highest because the audience are holding their breath as to what it going to happen. The adverbs used by the author help to create this tension because words such as frantically, hoarsely and appealingly give us an insight to the actual feelings of the characters. This helps us because then we can relate to the characters. In conclusion, I can say that in the monkeys paw the author uses a variety of methods to create tension. These include characters, setting, structure, language and style. Overall, I would say that Sergeant-Major Morris is the person who contributes to providing the most amount of tension in the play. His mysteriousness and whole demeanour just makes the audience think that something bad is going to happen in the play because of him. I also think that the climax used by WW Jacobs was a very clever way to build up a lot of tension.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

#FreelancerFriday #4 - Belinda Jones, Editor

#FreelancerFriday #4 - Belinda Jones, Editor #FreelancerFriday #4 - Belinda Jones, Editor â€Å"You have to keep thinking, keep interrogating the text: ‘Is this keeping the flow well? Is it convincing me?† If something sounds a bit hollow or a bit flat, you’ve got to flag it up.â€Å"With a 15-year career – so far – behind her, Belinda Jones has worked on everything from commercial and literary fiction, to historical non-fiction and celebrity memoir. We talked about her start as an editor, the recent YA resurgence, and the need to be sensitive when dealing with author comments.–REEDSYHow did you find yourself starting out as an editor?BELINDA JONESLooking for work after university, I did a correspondence course with Chapterhouse to get going with the proofing symbols and that sort of thing. I got to London and, to gain what experience I could, I took on part-time work with Virgin Publishing – in the rights department, strangely enough. The agreement was that if they were going to have me for  £50 a week, the editorial dep artment would use me for editing work. That worked out quite well – I was able to build up a good foundation of freelance editing work at the time just by being there and obviously working as well (mornings only, but that was the deal).As ever, it’s about building up a CV for experience.REEDSYWhat sort of books were you working on when you started out?BELINDA JONESI was hoping you wouldn’t ask that†¦ I first worked on gentle ‘erotica’ – you can imagine my parents’ delight. It was well paid, I have to say, and got some very good dialogue practice going on. It’s interesting when people ask how you train as an editor. I think you have to have a natural leaning towards it; I’m not sure its something you can actually learn to do. In the same way that some people are natural mathematicians, natural tennis players, I’d say editors have to have a natural aptitude. And if you’re getting experience, it probably d oesn’t matter what you’re editing so long as you’re honing those skills and getting feedback.I was incredibly lucky in my career to freelance with Reader’s Digest. The woman who took me on has become a sort of guru to me. Everything I’ve learned I would put down to her. She said at the beginning: "You have this natural aptitude. That’s great, we can work with that,† and that was why I was taken on by them. There’s no doubt that if you’re working with someone who’s very good at their job with high, exacting standards, you will raise your game accordingly. I think good editors are people who have those exacting standards, and possibly a bit of OCD as well – when you want to track down that  last potentially blurred fact that might have slipped away, or the niggling somethings that are not quite right†¦ Natural aptitude plus a little bit of OCD probably makes someone the ideal editor.REEDSYWhat’s the importance of working with an editor who’s not just technically trained, but experienced?BELINDA JONESExperience leads to confidence. When you start out you think you’re expected to know it all when, of course, you can’t possibly. I think that’s a mistake all young people make starting out, thinking that you have to hit the ground running. Sit back, take your time, learn from your boss. I’ve been doing this for 15 years and I’m pretty aware that I do a good job because I have the experience that’s needed to do that. As a result that’s very much become a confidence thing. Often, in-house, you don’t receive too much feedback because people are simply too busy to do it. You might get a quick â€Å"That’s great, thanks so much, we’ll work with you again in a month’s time.† You can ask for feedback, of course, but it’s something I’m reluctant to do – busy people don’ t have time to spoon-feed you. If I do ask for feedback, it will be from someone for whom I’ve not worked before, and will be about how I could do better next time. And that builds up over the years, of course – improving your work.REEDSYAs a freelancer, do you work directly with the author or via the publisher?BELINDA JONESI mainly work via the in-house editor, who will usually ask me to work in Track Changes, but more and more my comments are going directly to the author for me and them to discuss, rather than via in-house to be checked first. You have to be very diplomatic with the comments that you use – you’ve got to have an appreciation that this is the author’s baby that they’ve been working on for however long. Your comments have to be well structured, and you always need to back up a bit of text you’ve changed with the reason why. Put yourself in their position – how would you feel if you’d been working on somet hing for anything from 6 months to x number of years, and then someone you don’t know from Adam tells you to change this, this and this.You learn to be sensitive about this with experience. It isn’t pointed out or ‘taught’. You learn it yourself the more you do the work. The comfier, more confident in the work you do you are, the more you can think about what the author would be wanting, or needing rather, to hear back from you.REEDSYOne editor we spoke to recently described the work of an editor by saying that the client isn’t the author, but the reader   – that the editor is mediating the concerns of both. Is that similar to how you work?BELINDA JONESI agree with that. When I’m working I put on my reader’s hat. I’m a reader, so I’m at home on the sofa or sitting on the train, I’ve bought this book and I want to enjoy it. In other words, you’re editing to make it the most effortless read possible. You’re smoothing flow, polishing any clunky or bumpy bits; you’re saying, â€Å"Hold on a minute, what you’ve said about that character on page 114 is not what was said about that character on page 23.† I hate it when I come across something like that in books I’m reading for pleasure – it blows the whole thing. But of course, at the same time you’re working for the author. I find 'keeping the author sympathetic’ is another good phrase. As the editor, I would say your job is to make sure the author comes across as a reasonable person, certainly an authoritative writer whom the reader can trust. You have to balance both these things.REEDSYWhat are some projects you’ve enjoyed recently?BELINDA JONESLiterary fiction will always be my first love to work on. Young adult fiction too, I think, has immense potential, which is being tapped both convincingly and unconvincingly at the moment. Fiction all the way, generally, for me! I’ve done plenty of non-fiction which can be very good too, especially when it’s historical, but there’s a huge difference between working on fiction and non-fiction. When you’re an editor for non-fiction, you absolutely have to fact-check everything, especially when it comes to a celebrity autobiography.REEDSYWhat do you love about YA?BELINDA JONESI think it’s such a wonderful crossover between the youngish readers and the fairly precocious readers, right up into adulthood. The Hunger Games, for example – hasn’t that done well? Both for the books and the box office, with teens and adults alike. I actually belong to a book club of adults who read YA fiction and then critique it fiercely in the pub afterwards! We’ve read some stinkers, of course, and that just makes me want to die – it’s such an important time for readers to be encouraged to keep reading. If you’re coming across horrendously clichà ©d work you just want to say, â€Å"Come on everyone! Just because it’s YA doesn’t mean it doesn’t have to be good.† Quite the reverse! There’s a huge market for good YA – I wish there was more of it. We can’t blame publishers, they have to make money in what’s a very tough market but let’s not just go straight for that Hollywood jugular the entire time. But that’s the same with fiction and books the world over, isn’t it? In any genre there’s going to be good and bad. But, right now, I really think YA is a superb genre to be in.REEDSYIs developmental editing quite different from copyediting?BELINDA JONESYes. Analysis is another thing you have to have an aptitude for, particularly for developmental editing. Again, you have to keep thinking, keep interrogating the text: ‘Is this keeping the flow well? Is it convincing me?â€Å" If something sounds a bit hollow or a bit flat, you’ve got to flag i t up and either suggest or make the change yourself. Usually a manuscript, by the time I get it, has been very much edited in-house. That’s a bit of a tightrope you need to be aware of as a freelance editor – it’s not about your ego, which is something I’m embarrassed to say I had to reign in at the beginning. When for the first time you’re given free reign on a manuscript you think, "Let’s get cracking!† but, like I said, there are many concerns to weigh. Ones that are usually outlined in a brief from the in-house editor.REEDSYFinally, what do you like to read yourself?BELINDA JONESOh, general fiction, literary fiction, YA. A bit of everything, to be honest. I’m currently savouring Les Miserables (a Christmas present from my French in-laws) but I am interspersing it with more digestible reads too. Not something I’d normally allow myself to do  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  !REEDSYThank you for your time Belinda.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Parent's Use of Physical Punishment Increases Violent Behavior Essay

Parent's Use of Physical Punishment Increases Violent Behavior - Essay Example Also, children may develop depression and asocial behavior as they grow old. While some psychologists argue that physical punishments may lead to disciplined children, there are various risks associated with it. By evaluating the risks of physical punishments, I wish to assess the various alternatives to physical punishments so as to bring out a positive upbringing in children. Physical punishment has been associated with adverse consequences in children including aggression, psychopathology, and criminal involvement (Boutwell, Franklin, Barnes & Beaver, 559). Research has proved the positive relationship between physical punishment and aggressive behavior among children (Kandel, n.pag.). Statistical studies have shown a positive correlation between the two variables with a stronger correlation among males. Among children older than five years of age, physical punishment is one of the critical variables that contribute to aggressive or violent behavior. According to Kandel, the terms ‘violence’ and ‘aggression’ are used interchangeably which limits the scope of the study (n.pag.). Aggression among children is calculated on a series of aggressive actions which is then totaled to provide a sum score. However, such methods of coming up with an aggression score lacks consistency and results would be more reliable if there was a standardized methodology. Another important variable that may affect the relationship between physical punishments and aggressive behavior is abuse. While abuse is divided into three categories of low, moderate, and high abuse, its correlation may provide useful information regarding the relationship. Nonetheless, research has provided an important finding pertaining to the relationship between physical punishments and the development of aggressive behavior among children. The development of aggressive behavior is affected by the severity and the frequency of physical punishments. Thus, not all physical punishments are similar and hence not all such punishments lead to aggressive behavior. Physical punishments vary in their intensity as some parents might carry out abusive violence while others may exercise mild physical punishments (Kandel, n.pag.). A study was conducted on a sample containing 3 year old children and the risk of physical punishments was analyzed. Using the spanking frequency at age 3, the aggressive behavior was measured at age 5. The research showed that children who were spanked 2 or 3 times within the same month showed symptoms of aggressive behavior developing at age 5 (Lee, Taylor, Altschul & Rice, 1476). A greater risk of negative outcomes was posed when parents used physical punishment more than twice a month. The early years of an individual’s life are central to their growth and development and that is why physical punishments at a young age expose children to several adverse outcomes. Antisocial behavior is among other adverse consequences of physical punishm ents. However, not all children develop antisocial behavior as a result of spanking although enough evidence is present of the positive relationship between the two variables. It is suggested that a third variable seems to be involved in the aggressive behavior of children. It is also important to consider that not all physical punishments may have the same intensity or frequency. Furthermore, genetic risk factors have been found to be impacting antisocial behavior (Boutwell, Franklin, Barnes & Beaver, 559). But since physical punishme